Essentially, big data in education and eLearning is created when learners engage in learning activities either through a learning management system or through in-class learning technologies. For example, say you were to take an eLearning course and complete it from start to finish. The learning management system you took the course within would have collected individual learning data from your experience in the following ways:
On an individual level, this is great for instructors to know as they can tailor eLearning experiences to meet your specific needs. Additionally, teachers have the ability to know where you are having trouble in order to direct further learning materials your way, or to set up some one-on-one teaching time.
‘Big Learning Data’ is then the aggregation and analysis of all of the aforementioned individual data to draw larger conclusions on how to change over all course or module design. For example, as aforementioned, teachers can gain insight into modules where the majority of learners struggled in order to modify the way it is taught or delivered. Modularizing this even further, teachers can see which test or quiz questions were most frequently answered incorrectly to either modify the wording, or provide further instruction. Teachers can also gain insight into learning modules or videos that are most socially shared to understand what teaching material is popular. As I am sure you can see and predict, education is going to increasingly become more data-driven!
The aforementioned scenarios only cover the tip of the iceberg—there are many more ways for teachers to analyze individual and aggregate data to improve the learning experience. This is precisely how Big Data will change the learning experience—teachers and educators will be better informed as to what is working and what is not allowing them to make course-wide and individual learning path changes to ensure that the learning experience is always improving.
With the explosion of Big Data from talent and performance management systems, HR executives are beginning to see the benefit in utilizing this information for predictive analytics and ultimately, better decision making. This whitepaper explains the types of questions HR managers can answer with Big Data and predictive analytics.