1. Moodle upgrade analysis. We’ll determine how large your organization’s Moodle site is, what plugins you are using and whether plugins are available in the next version. (If they aren’t available, we can discuss custom development if you’d like to retain certain functionality).
2. Test upgrade. Copy site, upgrade, test it to see everything is working properly.
3. Live upgrade. We place your Moodle site into maintenance mode and make a full copy of the site – just so if anything unexpected happens at this point, all of your data is still totally protected.
4. Initiate the upgrade process for the application itself. We monitor and support the system while it’s going through the upgrade and upon completion, we perform an upgrade check. At this point, we turn it over to our customer to go through a checklist to ensure everything is working as it should be.
5. Your upgraded Moodle site is operational.
That is a high-level overview of how the Moodle upgrade works. As you can see, a successful Moodle upgrade to 2.5 or any other branch depends on proven, workable processes that we’ve developed in close coordination with our customers from a wide range of fields, from education, to corporate training, healthcare and government. Along with those processes, we provide the expert managed support so that when something breaks (as all technology can do), we are there to fix it quickly, so your end users ideally never notice any downtime.
Learn more about upgrading your Moodle LMS from 2.x to 2.5