As an instructional designer or training manager, have you ever been asked to manage a training project when you have little, if any, project management experience? How do you ensure good communication with stakeholders and the project team, especially if issues or roadblocks arise? How do you successfully track your project resources, budget and deliverables when you’re already juggling (or doing) the instructional design and development of the project? How do you ensure project team members know what’s expected of them and how the project will come together? Regardless of project size, effective project management can be the deciding factor on how successful your training project is.
In this session, Paula Yunker, Managing Partner at Limestone Learning shares tips and techniques on how to manage a training project so it runs smoothly and meets your stakeholder’s needs and expectations. You’ll learn:
- Why project management is so important.
- A process for managing projects that works.
- How to avoid common project management pitfalls.
- Quick tips for managing successful training projects.