Incomplete record-keeping, poor organization, and not having the right tools for the job. Those major challenges will derail ANY educator.
ArkansasIDEAS, part of the public school district funded by the Arkansas Department of Education, had more than 64,000 educators struggling with their own annual professional development requirements due to those exact challenges…
When they went looking for a way to streamline their online learning and professional development programs ArkansasIDEAS realized they needed Learning Analytics with automated reporting that integrates seamlessly with their feature-rich Learning Management System.
Grab your seat for this webinar with ArkansasIDEAS’ Education Program Specialist Kayla Fletcher to see exactly how Totara Learn and Lambda Analytics led to:
- An increase in learners and improved learning outcomes, including compliance training in Professional Development
- Knowing exactly how to deliver more efficient and effective online courses
- Delivering a reporting and analytics solution that’s easy to use and integrates seamlessly with Totara Learn LMS
If you are a superintendent, LMS administrators or an educator this webinar is for you so don’t miss out!
Fill the short form below
to access the Webinar

At ArkansasIDEAs, Kayla’s main responsibilities are to design online content, oversee reports and analytics, and deliver face to face professional training to educators across the state of Arkansas. She also works closely alongside the marketing department to create material for outreach events coinciding with projects inside and outside of their Learning Management System.