Your step-by-step tutorial to set up, manage and analyze Forums with Moodle & Lambda Analytics “Zoola”
This will be an information-packed session designed to answer your questions about setting up, using and managing online forums.
The Moodle Forum is a powerful asset in creating lively and engaging courses. and we’ll be answering your most common questions and covering everything from setup to analytical optimization.
We'll start with setting up the forum for different use cases, from an open general forum to a more focused response-type forum, then we'll go over how to provide a participation grade and finally show you how to manage forums across courses with Lambda Analytics “Zoola”.
This Lambda Lab will show you exactly how to:
- Identify the different forum formats
- Grade forums with the new grading feature
- Manage forums using Lambda Analytics “Zoola”
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As Director of Learning Solutions, Ben provides his in-depth knowledge of eLearning solutions and implementation strategies to help promote learning that engages learners while simultaneously reaching business outcomes. Ben is passionate about bringing learning visions to reality through the use of insightful reporting of the data contained within a Learning Management System. He actively researches and tests emerging technologies which offer improvements in the functionality of online services for clients.

Stewart is an experienced product management professional with over 15 years in technology product management. At Lambda Solutions he leads the product development of next generation solutions for learning and talent management. His approach is to engage customers throughout the development process using instantaneous feedback to ensure solutions exceed expectations.