With the need to engage learners at the top of the list for eLearning best practices, we’re bringing together our top 5 ways to engage your learners.
In this 30 minute session, our Director of Learning Solutions, Benjamin Young, will go over our most popular topics on creating engaging learning, starting with building interactive content with H5P and moving on to creating an adaptive learning environment with the restrict access feature. We’ll also look at personalizing learning with dashboards and blocks. This will be a great session for planning out 2020!
This session is ideal for LMS administrators and course creators.
In this 30-minute Lambda Lab, Ben will show you the best practices for:
- How to use interactive content to grow engagement in your LMS with H5P.
- Use Restricted access to lock activities and create a learning path for users in your course.
- Create a customized learning experience for your users with dashboards, main menu items, and the featured links block.
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As Director of Learning Solutions, Ben provides his in-depth knowledge of eLearning solutions and implementation strategies to help promote learning that engages learners while simultaneously reaching business outcomes. Ben is passionate about bringing learning visions to reality through the use of insightful reporting of the data contained within a Learning Management System. He actively researches and tests emerging technologies which offer improvements in the functionality of online services for clients.